Firmware Update Steps:
- Run Samsung I9000 Galaxy S Downloader.
- Check Re-Partition option and then Cleck PIT button to select: s1_odin_20100xxx.pit file.
- Click PDA button and select : I9000xxxxx-REV03-PDA-low-CL584433.tar.md5
- Click PHONE button and select: MODEM_I9000xxxxx.tar.md5
- Click CSC button and select: GT-I9000-CSC-MULTI-Oxxxxx.tar.md5
- Put the phone into download mode: Press Volume Down + OK + Power Key.
- Connect USB cable to Phone and PC.
- Make sure that the program has detects the phone.
- Press Start button and wait.
- When all is done the program will show you PASS! word.
- Turn on the phone and do full reset: *2767*3855#