The Firmware Update Steps: Read the following steps first and understand them completely before starting the process.
1 - Make sure that your Galaxy Premier phone is off, Then take out its battery, SIM card, And memory card too.
2 - Double click on Odin3.exe program.
3 - At Odin's window check the following:
Re-Partition, Auto Reboot, F.Reset Time
4 - Now you will select the needed firmware files to be installed by Odin on your phone, Do it in these order:
- Click on PIT button and select GT-I9260_EUR_XX_20120711.pit
- Click on Bootloader button and select BOOTLOADER_I9260xxxxxx_...user_low_ship.tar.md5
- Click on PDA button and select PLATFORM_I9260xxxxxx_...user_low_ship.tar.md5
- Click on PHONE button and select MODEM_I9260xxxxxx_REV_00_xxx....tar.md5
- Click on CSC button and select CSC_Oxx_I9260Oxxxxxx_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5
5 - Odin can install the above files when your phone is into Download Mode only, To put it into that mode do these steps:
- Put its battery back, But do not turn it on.
- Press Volume Down button + HOME button + Power button until you get the warning message on your phone screen, Now release the three button and press Volume UP button only, Now you are into download mode.
6 - Using the USB cable connect your phone to the PC.
7 - Let your PC detects the new device and install any needed drivers for it, When done continue to the next step.
8 - Look at Odin's window to see if Odin detects your phone correctly, You should see 0:[COMxx] when xx is the com number of your connected phone.
9 - In case that Odin could not detect your phone, Disconnect and connect it again, Or even you can restart your PC.
10 - At this step you are ready to begin the update, All you need to do is to click on START button at Odin's window.
11 - Odin will start to install the firmware files on your Galaxy Premier, So wait until the job is done.
- Do not try under any condition to disconnect the USB cable or phone,
And never interrupt Odin program during this process, Otherwise you may
kill your phone.
13 - After the update process is done your phone will be rebooted, So wait for it.
14 - You can know if the update process is done successfully by looking at Odin's window, If you see the word PASS! then everything is ok.
15 - After your phone is on, Disconnect the USB cable from it.
16 - Do Full reset to your phone using this code: *#87976633#.
17 - Your phone will be rebooted again after entering the above code, So it is normal, Just wait for it.
18 - Now your phone is under your control with its new firmware, Customize it and enjoy your job.
Important Notices:
- The Update or Flash operation will not Sim-Unlock your device ( Unlock I9260 Galaxy Premier ).
- Use Stable PC for the update and never use USB Hub to connect the device.
If the firmware package contains only one big file then use it in PDA
field and no need to check Re.Partition option or use Pit file.